Day: May 26, 2023

Term Two Week Five

we are learning about the Maori battalion still and here are my links for the past work we have done:

Selective Underlining.

Keyword hunt

Maori Battalion Report

Quick Write

Tern Two Week Five



those are all my links for the work i have been doing i think the hardest one was the Maori battalion report because i was not able to think out of the box for my work the easiest work i did this week was probably the quick write because all i needed to do was make a quick story about a soldier being scared.

Week Five Term Two

Hello I’m Sam,

This week has been a fun and easy week i have enjoyed it so much and i want to show you my work, I’ve actually did two of my reading tasks and two of my writing task, but here’s my work starting from two of my reading, two of my writing task, my math’s then a screenshot of my favorite work i did this week.

Here’s my first reading task:

Selective Underling

Here’s my second reading task:

Key Word Hunt

Now here’s my first writing task i did witch was my Maori Battalion Report:

Maori Battalion Report

Now here’s my second writing task:

Quick Write

And now here’s my math’s task:

Term Two Week Five

And now here’s the screenshot of my favorite work i did this week:

Hope You Have Enjoyed My Blog.


Term Two Week Five

This week I have been learning how to do a maori Battalion report 

And I have also been learning how to count all the way to 100 hunder

And I have also been learning how to do a key word hunt 

And I have also been learning how to create a Maori Battalion badge for my maori battalion

And I enjoyed this week because my teacher Zoe has been showing some new thing about Maori battalion

Week 5 Term 2

Hello this week in term 2 our class topic is the 28th Maori battalion again 😁🪖

here is my maori writing report  


on the mat we did a key word hunt 🔑

And for our other activity,We had to make a Maori battalion badge but i haven’t started yet 😅

Thanks for reading all of this have a fantastic day 🫡😁😀🙃😐


kia ora i what i have been learning is all my work that i learnt in term 2 week five enjoy

this is my key word hunt its about some key words about a maori solider.

this is my Quick write about an imaganate war that its a story in the war about you in war tho.

this is my math work when i was first doing this it was hard but when i got along with it was easy.

this is my maori battalion learn this is a work when you Resource something about the maori battalion and what you have learnt about the maori battalion.






Term 2 week 5

This my teacher give me school work which is maori battalion report one is I have to talk about the war then I talk about te-moana in ww1.  Then I need to do Key word hunt to help me with my maori battalion report it helps by giving me words to use for summary and imformation. Then I have to do Selective Underlining which is a example for summary for keyword hunt. Then I do quick write which is for pretending to be a soldier but I did’nt finish it 🙁 but it is also for you to think fast what to write to open your imagination. Then I do learn for what the rescoruse and what I learn. Then  I did maths  which is just about money like: 6 $100 notes is $600 plus all I need to do is 11-12.Then pepeha which is not for you to see.  🙃

(click image to view work)