Day: June 23, 2023


Fakalofalahiatu everyone this week I have been doing my fantastic work about my maori battalion that you have been seeing all this term.

I was very proud of myself when I looked at my hard work and also doing it with my cool, fun, smart teacher.

What do you think we should do next term?


My published work

Hello everyone today  or this week we have been publishing are Maori battalion . First i  had to proofread  my Maori battalion  and check if it made  sense, by checking the grammar   and punctuation   and same thing for are tribute . By the why i loved doing my Maori battalion  even if i had to do a lot of  research.

My link to Maori battalion

My link to Tribute  

oh and also we did a thank you card for our helpers


My published work

Talofa lava?

this week we have been publishing all of our work by proof reading to see if there were any mistakes and checking grammar to see if it made sense .

firstly and lastly is my Maori battalion tribute.This Tribute is to honor the great 28th Maori battalion

Maori tribute – Exodus

i am really really proud of my published work i have been doing so i really hope you enjoy it

What do you think we publish next?

The publish hour

This week, we upgraded our Maori battalion tributes and reports and made it look amazing! We also did our pepehas and hung it to the wall. It was very hard for me to make this finished products (except the pepeha) and i really love it so much! Here’s our work:

Our final published Maori Battalion report work

(original work)

My pepeha

Tribute (if you can’t read it, tap here)

After nearly the entire term, we finished our report.  I am really happy with my work. I even helped a few people with some of their reports. I can say that this week was very busy. Now that this week is ending, the final week is coming up to us. The holidays are showing up and now it’s time to wrap up our work. I’m excited to see what the last week will bring us. I wonder what next term will bring?


I hope you like my work!

My Awesome Work!

Talofa lava!

This week me and room 10 has been doing our report, tribute and pepeha but I wanna focus on my report because thats the best work I have done so far and it. Took us many weeks to prove read it and grammer it. But it was all worth it at the end. This work makes me so proud and very great of myself would you try a report?.

I love my work its the best report ive ever made and I feel proud as ever!.

Published Work!

Kia Ora guys

This week i was publishing my Maori Battalion Report we had to proof-read our Reports and we used Grammar just to check if it’s all good.

We checked our Pepeha’s just to make sure it looks great and put it on the wall so i will show you my work. I felt proud of myself for what i have a achieved what should i do next term?


1st Link: Maori Tribute


I published my Maori Tribute it took like 2 days i showed it to my friends just to check if it’s alright










Talofa Lava I’m Sam,

This Week In Room 10 We have been publishing all our best work but we had to do some step’s to make it good like proofreading,checking punctuation and checking the spelling grammar and it has made me feel quite proud of myself but here’s a screenshot of My Maori Battalion Tribute. What theme should we do next term?

Now Here Is A Screenshot Of My Maori Battalion Tribute:

I Hope You Have Enjoyed My Blog!

Tofa Soifua!


Publishing Week!

Kia ora,

This week in Room 10 we published all of our amazing Maori Battalion work. Firstly, we had to proofread our work  to see if it made sense, by checking our grammer and punctuation. I was very proud of Room 10’s amazing published work as it is a reflection of the hard work they have done this term. What topic do you think we should do next term?

Term 2 Week 9 Fun Publishing 2023

How’s your day? 😁

This week Room 10 and I finished most of our work that we have been working on for so long. And that’s the Maori battalion report that we have been doing from the start of  term 2, So we finally finished that now we can do our can do’s. I skipped a week of school in week 7 so I feel so cheerful inside. 🎊

Here’s the work