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The publish hour

This week, we upgraded our Maori battalion tributes and reports and made it look amazing! We also did our pepehas and hung it to the wall. It was very hard for me to make this finished products (except the pepeha) and i really love it so much! Here’s our work:

Our final published Maori Battalion report work

(original work)

My pepeha

Tribute (if you can’t read it, tap here)

After nearly the entire term, we finished our report.  I am really happy with my work. I even helped a few people with some of their reports. I can say that this week was very busy. Now that this week is ending, the final week is coming up to us. The holidays are showing up and now it’s time to wrap up our work. I’m excited to see what the last week will bring us. I wonder what next term will bring?


I hope you like my work!

The Publishing Week (Term 2 Week 9)

Hello again, and welcome to my blog post where you see all the work I did this week, for most of this term we mostly were learning about the learning Battalion but I feel like this week was probably the most Battalion in the entire term. Although it was normal, it felt like the Maori Battalion was infesting my mind.

And yet you see this again, I add new stuff and questions each week so

This is a tribute to the Maori Battalion soldiers


I did like this week since most of these 5 days were learning about the Maori Battalion
What do you think I should do to improve?

Matariki design

Hello again! Its not Friday but i have something to blog about 😀 Today, we learned a few shortcuts on google drawings and i also learned how to edit a polyline! Here’s my work





love it so much 🙂 I like the colors i put (With a little help) and it looks like a skittle pack (that little writing on it says ‘Taste the rainbow’)!! Stay tuned for more work and stay safe 🙂

Term 2 Week 6

Kia ora! and welcome back to my blog on Room 10 which again. Is the fifth time I’ve done a blog. Any who lets get to my work.

And This Is Called A Keyword Hunt Where You Read A Piece Of Writing And Write Facts And Use Those Facts To Write A Summary About It

This Is My Maori Battalion Report Which We Worked On For Days Maybe Even Week But Its Come Out To This

This Is My Maths, We Were Learning About Probability Which Is Basically Another Word For Chance

This Is My Learn, A Piece Of Writing In Which You Read Something And Write Facts, From Multiple Sources


I would put a screenshot of my favorite  here but it’s too big.

Term 2 Week 6

Hello everyone! This week we had lots going on and now (Friday) we are celebrating the Samoan week! Of course, we did a few pieces of work. Here’s what we did (including Ben’s work):


Maori battalion report

Key-Word hunt

Samoan art competition

Extinct NZ



What i really liked was my art entry

Yes, i’m the type of person who likes to do art but i think this is next level. I liked how i drew my country, and it was pretty fun too! (i also love the eagle :D)


See you on the next blog!


Term Two Week Four

Hello everyone!! i’m back with a bit of my work of the week. We had a really hard piece of work that i’m not done yet but i’m nearly done. Here’s the list of things i did this week:


The Maori battalion

Term 4 (math)

I think T-Chart  (Unfinished)

My favorite piece of work is my math chart


Although its really uncommon for me to enjoy doing math, i really love how fun it was to make.


See you in week five!


Term Two Week Two

Hello guys! i’m back with a few pieces of my work. We are still doing ANZAC themed work but on Thursday, Ben came in and gave us a piece of work. Here’s what i did:

Double entry journal

Soldier diary


EMOTIONS (not done)



My favourite piece of work is my Double entry journal.


I like this piece of work because of the connections i made and how fun it was to look for them.


Term Two Week One

Hello there! I’m back with a few of the things i did in week one:

1st.)– My first work of the week, Learn.

2nd.)– Also known as my Double entry journal for Dawn service.

3rd.) – Also known as my ANZAC poem.


My most favorite work of the week my ANZAC poem.


This is my favorite piece of work because of the poem i worked hard on, the details and my little drawing on the corner.